Friday, July 18, 2014

Dainty Hooligan Summer Report: Top 5 Ways To Get A Tan

Ah yes, summer is here in full force! A habit I'm sure a lot of us are used to getting into this time of year is tanning. While we love a good bronzed bod ourselves, we began to wonder what the benefits and risks of various ways of tanning can be. It's true, attaining that tan in any aspect without enough self control can be dangerous to your health. But remember, all things in moderation! Here is a list of pros and cons of some of the ways to get that summer glow.

1. Worship the sun in all it's glory! That means laying out with a good layer of SPF sunscreen and tanning oil slathered all over to protect yourself while you bake outside under the sun.
Pros: Exposing yourself to the sun like this is a great way to get that tan naturally and produce some much needed vitamin D.
Cons: The only real con to this way of tanning can occur if you don't apply any SPF to avoid the risk of skin cancer. A recommended one hour of tanning this way is recommend as well to avoid over exposure to the sun.

2. Spray Tanning. Spray tanning involves standing in a booth while someone sprays a fine mist on all over you until your a shade or two darker.

Pros: It's a time saver! Most people love how quick and easy this process of getting a tan can be. Others like how even and mess free the tan can look as opposed to over the counter creams and lotions.
Cons: Spray tanning can be relatively expensive, per tan. Also it is not a FDA approved process and may cause damage to your body if ingested through the nose and mouth.

3. Lotions and Creams. You've seen or tried those over the counter products, I'm sure!

Pros: Buying a tan in a tube can be inexpensive and UV free since you're not required to spend time in the sun. 
Cons: It can be a mess and leave your tan looking uneven and streaky. To help in avoiding this, make sure you exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells ahead of time. 

4. Tanning pills. Just don't! These pills contain a chemical dye that can turn your skin orange and damage your liver over time. It's not worth the risk!

5. Tanning Beds. The good ol' fake'n'bake.

Pros: Since tanning beds are basically simulating the sun via UV lights, a benefit of tanning beds can be that they help your body produce vitamin D.
Cons: Tanning beds are linked to an increase of skin and eye cancer rates in the US. Using tanning beds before the age of 30 increases your risk of developing skin cancer by 75%. Bake in the bed at your own risk!

So there you have it! Protect yourself, read labels, read more information online, and be smart while you get beautifully darker!

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